About Everyday Wellness


Jennifer O’Callaghan

Nutritional Therapist
Health & Wellness Coach

A graduate of the College of Naturopathic Medicine, Jen also holds a degree in Environmental Science. Currently studying with the Institute of Functional Medicine, Jen’s Functional Medicine approach to Nutrition assists in identifying dysfunctions in the human body as a primary way of improving people’s health.

Jen practices Nutrition in a holistic fashion, and her passion for Nutrition ensures her continuous educational and professional development in the ever changing and growing field of Nutrition. She is also Qualified with a Health and Wellness Coaching accreditation to compliment her Nutritional Therapy Capabilities.

Read Jen's Story:

My interest in nutrition started about 10 years ago when I realised that something wasn’t right, I wasn’t feeling as well as I used do, didn’t have the energy I had, didn’t have the enthusiasm, the get up and go which I had when I was younger.

In my early 20’s I was suffering with a lot of heartburn, belching, bloating and a general discomfort in my digestion system. This was my body trying to tell me that something wasn’t right.

At this time I was in college and wasn’t living the healthiest of lifestyles. There were a number of times I ended up in the doctors with pains in chest and in hospital for an ECG .

Finally I went for tests and they found a hiatus hernia. So from here I had to adjust my diet somewhat, but I wouldn’t have been very diligent at the time as really I didn’t know any better. I tried to manage as best I knew how. I limited my spicy foods, fizzy drinks and citrus fruits which helped some bit, but didn’t solve everything.

I got married at 30 and a few months after I got married I was in a car crash. This was probably one of the most significant things that has happened to me and which has changed my life and the way I live it.

I suffered a lot of pain for a long time. When I look back at it now I can see that I was really in a low place, as when your body is in constant pain it is exhausting so you are constantly tired and you have no energy for anything. This can be very debilitating.

My husband of 4 months had to take over the house chores, as when I would come home from work I would be so tired I would sit on the couch for the evening. This was a hugely challenging time in my life, as I was always very active and now to go out walking or swimming resulted in some form of pain.

This was the biggest wake up call that I needed, that things needed to change for me; it’s where my path started to change.

At this time doctors could only offer me pain killers. So this was the start of my journey of alternative health. I went for Physiotherapy, accupunture, bio-energy, osteopathy, cranio-sacrial therapy, all which have helped me at different stages and which have been very beneficial in the healing process.

Don’t get me wrong I think conventional and alternative medicine can work very well together everyone has their role and this you need to understand.

As a couple we have also been on a journey with infertility and have gone through various treatments for this both conventional and alternative, so I have a lot of experience to offer here.

In college I studied Environmental Science and I worked in the public service for 13 years, testing and analysing water. I was attracted to Nutrition as I knew when I ate better I felt better. My mood would improve as I didn’t get the digestive issues, my energy would increase and I could do more activities. So I started the Nutrition Course with the College of Naturopathic Medicine.

When I started the nutrition course I used to wear a back brace in the class so that I would last the whole day without getting tired, I would also wear it for long car journeys. After my first year in nutrition, where I was really on the path of healing internally and externally, I didn’t have to wear the back brace any more.

I felt the inflammation in my body was starting to come down. As I have changed my eating habits and my daily habits I feel so much healthier, happier and have increased energy. Being on this path has opened my eyes hugely as to what we can do for ourselves once we are willing to help ourselves.

Since I started the Nutrition course it has opened up a whole new world for me and not just in food, I believe we need to look at the whole picture and this is why I like to take a holistic approach to healing the body.

Balancing a full time job, course at weekends, fertility treatments and then my mother becoming terminally ill, thought me about the importance of balancing stress. It never became clearer to me on how much stress can affect you and your body when dealing with stressful situations.

Everyone is affected by stress we need stress to manage our daily lives but when it starts to go out of control this is where the problem start. Dealing with grief is huge and we are rarely thought or encouraged to grieve openly. Is there a time limit on it because it’s different for everyone.

Balancing stress through good food, supplements, exercise, meditation , energy healing work, counselling and a good family support system really helped me and this is why I am so passionate now about holistic health we need a combined approach for the individual. I didn’t just try one thing to help my-self ,I tried everything – don’t give up there is always help out there.

Everyone is different and what will work for one may not work for another. This is why one on one consultations are so important and a programme put in place specifically for you. This is not a short term plan, this is a plan for you to take with you to have for the rest of your life to help you live a better life SO get on board!

When I started to see just how much of an effect food can have on people I knew I wanted to do more and help more people. I decided to finish my job, yes my permanent pensionable job of 13 years and go it alone. So I went out and started up my own Nutritional Therapy business. A scary move but an exciting adventure which I am thrilled about.

Life is for the living!! Find your passion.

I now get excited with good wholesome healthy food. I love cooking healthy food and feeding it to family and friends. I now spend more time doing things that I love to do, I love spending time in nature as it is so calming and peaceful.

I love walking, swimming, cycling, kayaking, hiking and am now fit and healthy to enjoy them all. From my own experience I can tell you that it doesn’t take just one think but a number of things to help you get better and a willingness to get there.

We need to work on ourselves from the inside and the outside. Join me if it’s the right time for you to make the move to improve your way of life. Having a holistic approach to your health and well-being will improve your life. Life is a gift.

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Niall O’Callaghan

Health, Wellness & Performance Coach
Strength & Conditioning Coach & Fitness Instructor

Niall is a Specialist and expert in workplace wellbeing and also has many years experience in civil engineering and project management. Niall has worked with over a thousand clients to create a healthier lifestyle through fitness and a mindset of gratitude, confidence and possibilities.

Read Niall's Story:

Having a poor level of Fitness, poor Diet, habits of excessive Drinking all through my late teens and Twenties had a detrimental effect on me. By the time I was 30, I was quite overweight, unfit, eating poorly and was very low in self-confidence and self-worth, leading to large amounts of self-criticism.

When my wife Jen had a car accident shortly after we were married, I needed to step up and take care of running the household and supporting her for a while. While I managed this to some degree, inside this was making me ask the question: “what’s it all about?.” Subsequently dealing with issues of infertility within our relationship and encountering a very difficult working environment, it reached a breaking point.

Just as it was needed, I was lucky to be exposed to some different ways of thinking, a way of living a life with more gratitude, love and joy. This along with a friend dragging me along to do a Half Marathon, changed my life, pretty much in what now seems like an instant. I discovered that I had a choice in what happened to me and my life and I made a decision then to take control and responsibility of my life from here on.

From someone who believed he was “big boned” I started to lose that excessive weight and got much fitter. I had a high tolerance for alcohol which unfortunately I was very proud of; but this had to change as I did not like the person I was becoming.

I started to drink less which reduced my tolerance, thankfully. I studied Life Coaching and got so much benefit from this myself. I followed this by qualifying in other areas like Human Resources, Fitness Instruction and Strength & Conditioning.

I now possess much more confidence and believe in my ability to achieve pretty much anything, once a proper effort is made!!. I am now happy to say that I am Fit and Healthy with a good Diet and have lots of confidence and maintain habits to Practice positive daily habits which have me in much better Physical & Mental shape than 10 years prior.

A series of coincidences led me to work with Kathryn Thomas & Pure Results Bootcamp. This exposed me to more amazing people within the team and clients, which I learned so much from.

Starting Everyday Wellness with Jen has exposed me to yet more amazing people and my gratitude levels are now through the roof due to how blessed I feel with the life I have with its amazing people and experiences it gives to me. I love to try to help others achieve the changes that I made as I know how much it improved my life.

I really believe that anyone can achieve pretty much anything they want to achieve so long as they really try, that’s what I’m here to help with. It’s really about living your best life as much as you can and being the very best version of yourself. I’m excited to see what the next chapter will hold!