Wellbeing in the Workplace is Essential

Self Injury Awareness Day

Today, March 1st, is Self-Harm Awareness Day. This awareness day has been ongoing for 16 years and it’s an event that is recognised all around the globe.

Raising awareness about self-injury is incredibly important. Awareness leads to understanding and empathy, banishing judgement and fear, and reducing the number of people who feel alone and suffer in silence.

Raising awareness is about educating people who do not self-injure and reaching out to people who do.

A step that we can all take in the right direction is raising awareness about wellbeing in the workplace. We at Everyday NFW believe that wellness in the workplace is VITAL in this day and age. The majority of an employee's time is spent at the workplace and due to stress, long work days etc. people may not have the time to make sure that they themselves are ok, mentally & physically. But we all need a little TLC for ourselves every now and again.

It’s important that employees know that their health is being looked after at work and this can be achieved from wellness programs. Engagement, motivation, support and strategy are the keys to a successful program which are some of the key elements of the corporate wellness programs that Everyday NFW provide.

St Patrick’s Mental Health Services and Pieta House are holding their third Self-Harm Awareness Conference on 1st March 2018 at the AVIVA stadium. This year’s conference is aimed at healthcare professionals, social care and education providers, as well as parents, carers, policy makers and influencers. The theme of the conference is ‘understanding self-harm’.

So, if you are part of an organisation and you believe there’s more that can be done to facilitate a healthy work environment, make yourself heard. It is so important to have positive working surroundings to reduce the number of people that do self-harm.

No More Silence